Sunday, April 08, 2007

Two Changes on Google Ads Display

Our product teams are constantly making adjustments to improve both the user and
advertiser experience. As many of you may have already noticed, we've recently made
two changes to the top AdWords ads that appear above search results on
Daniel Dulitz, Product Manager for the ads user interface, is here to tell us

Over the past few years, the sponsored links above the search results have been displayed
in a box with a blue background that a user can click on in order to reach an advertiser's
landing page. We've now made two changes to the way that we display these ads to
improve the experience of our users and advertisers.

First, we thought it was time for a new look: after months of testing, we decided to switch
the background color of the top ads from blue to yellow. Second, we've modified what
counts as a click in this box to be consistent with what counts as a click for the ads on the
right hand side. Instead of clicking anywhere in the box, users now need to click on the
link in the top line of an ad in order to be taken to an advertiser's site. Together, these
changes help decrease the likelihood that a user will unintentionally click on an ad, while
making our highest quality ads more visible.

You may have already noticed these changes when Daniel and his team were testing the
waters -- but starting today, you'll begin to see the new versions more often as we release
these changes to all traffic over the next few days.